POEM TO A HORSE - Letras de canciones de Shakira


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You're too far / to bring you close too high / to see below just hanging on / your daily dose and you never / needed anyone but they're rolling / papers for your grass how can you give / what you don't have? You keep on aiming / for the top and quit before / you sweat a drop feed your empty brain / with your hydroponic pot you start out / playing with yourself you get more fun / within your shell nice to meet you but / I gotta go my way I'll leave again / cuz I've been waiting in vain you're so in love / with yourself if I say / my heart is sore sounds like / a cheap metaphor so I won't repeat it / no more I'd rather eat / my soup with a fork or drive a cab / in new york cuz to talk to you / is harder work so what's the point / of waisting all my words if it's just the same / or even worse than reading poems / to a horse You keep on aiming / for the top and quit before / you sweat a drop feed your empty brain / with your hydroponic pot I bet you'll find / someone like you cuz there's a foot / for every shoe I know what you like / but i've other things to do I'll leave again / cuz I've been waiting in vain you're so in love / with yourself if I say / my heart is sore sounds like / a cheap metaphor so I won't repeat it / no more I'll leave again / cuz i've been waiting in vain if I say / my heart is sore sounds like / a cheap metaphor I'll leave again / cuz i've been waiting in vain you're so in love / with yourself if I say / my heart is sore sounds like / a cheap metaphor so I won't repeat it / no more

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