SUELES VOLVER (EN INGLES) - Letras de canciones de RBD


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I only think About Coming back

It aches me, I I feel, I know that something lacked
Therefore, return, to come back you.
E only thus, to lose me in its look,
E only thus, if is with me, can be happy…

You always return in my dreams,
As a souvenir,
But agreement and I lose you,
It is so far!

Today I want to have you, without fear to make a mistake,
They lack its kisses to me, that come back next to me…

E only thus, to lose me in aimed its,
E only thus, if is with me, can be happy…


It is necessary me lack to breathe,
To see its body and not to think,
To forget my solitude, without you I cannot.
I want to see a time more to you,
I only think about coming back, you…

[2x refrão]

It is necessary me lack to breathe,
To see its body and not to think,
To forget my solitude, is so far.
I want to see a time more to you,
I only think about coming back,
It is necessary me lack to breathe…

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