QUIERO PODER (EN INGLéS) - Letras de canciones de RBD


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My life, you think you have me on your hands
because you own a brand new BMW
You think you have power because of your checking account
and your designer jeans
don't say nothing about you,
neither of me,
less about my feelings for you,
Without you,I can survive

I want to, I want to meet someone
who has the power to snatch my soul with just
one look.
I can love someone who has the power
to make me happy, and doesnt care about anything.
just my love, take a risk with your heart,
you'll wake up my passion

I'm sorry, but I'm not on sale,
and you feel like my owner, dude.
I more than that
You think I'm a trophy, and if I was, you fool,
you're far from the award
and if someday I believed on you, I learned
that without you, I can survive.

I want to, I want to meet someone
who has the power to tear out my soul with just
one look.
I can love someone who has the power
to make me happy, and doesnt care about anything.
just my love, take a risk with your heart,
you'll wake up my passion

You want to love again,
close your eyes, don't think about anything
I just give you my heart
My love, leave the pain.

I want to, I want to meet someone
who has the power to tear out my soul with just
one look.
I can love someone who has the power
to make me happy, and doesnt care about anything.
just my love, take a risk with your heart,
you'll wake up my passion

I want to meet someone
who has the power to tear out my soul with just
one look.
I can love someone who has the power
to make me happy, and doesnt care about anything.
just my love, take a risk with your heart,
you'll wake up my passion

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