QUé FUE DEL AMOR (EN INGLéS) - Letras de canciones de RBD


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What it was of the love
that one day it united us
how he/she could die

For ti,yo I was an error
that the time erased,
that it was not good to live

But I know that in the bottom
of that cruel heart
your passion continues being my love
and that at the end of the road your you will recognize
that not completely you have been able to forget

You have not been possible to forget
you have not been possible to start up
you decided to look for another love
and you will already see that it is not easy to achieve
that they love you better

What it was of the love
that one day it united us
how he/she could die

For me it was a lot of pain
and I sit down fear
of not being possible to forget

But I know that in the bottom
of that cruel heart
your passion continues being my love
and that at the end of the road your you will recognize
that not completely you have been able to forget

You have not been possible to forget
you have not been possible to start up
you decided to look for another love
and you will already see that it is not easy to achieve
that they love you better

You will already see little by little
that it was not so bad completely
you will think of it ours and you will see
that it was better

But I know that in the bottom
of that cruel heart
your passion continues being my love
and that at the end of the road your you will recognize
that not completely you have been able to forget

You have not been possible to forget
you have not been possible to start up
you decided to look for another love
and you will already see that it is not easy to achieve
that they love you better

You have not been possible to forget
you have not been possible to start up
you decided to look for another love
and you will already see that it is not easy to achieve
that they love you better

What it was of the love
that one day it united us
how he/she could die

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