FUE EN UN CAFE (EN INGLES) - Letras de canciones de RBD


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When I remember
That a time I abandoned it
I set to cry
E I do not know what to make to forget
Oh! I do not know what I go to make
Its ausencia kills me
E I cannot live

When I remember
That a time deceived me
Pain makes me to see
That to it it leaves it I I had reason
Oh! I do not know what I go to make
Its absence kills me
E I cannot live

He was in a coffee where I left it
He was in a coffee where I abandoned it
He was in a coffee where the vi to cry
He was in a coffee where he did not want to listen to me
He was in a coffee…

When I remember
That a time deceived me
Pain makes me to see
That to it it leaves it I I had reason
Oh! I do not know what I go to make
Its absence kills me
E I cannot live

He was in a coffee where I left it
He was in a coffee where I abandoned it
He was in a coffee where the vi to cry
He was in a coffee where he did not want to listen to me
He was in a coffee…

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