ABURRIDA Y SOLA (EN INGLéS) - Letras de canciones de RBD


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Parked in the slime, I lose myself without fixed course
in these four walls…
And it is that it concerns car*ajo to me, if the world comes down…
if step a day without verte…
And it seems to me that I make..... wooo bad if yeah…
when I remain in house, living everything a drama because nonflames

Boring and single… I see that you are mistaken.
I am going to leave now.
Boring and single. I am average dangerous
I am going to leave now
If your you do not come your you lose it
if you do not find me I was of juerga
and if I leave with another one chavo
and if you look for sera to me your fault

wooo if… yeah…

Being disconnected to me, while I do not drink in the anything…
not if mandarte to the devil…
And it is that it puts to me of bad, when me you leave hung.
while I continue hoping to you…
And it seems to me that I make..... wooo bad if yeah…
when I remain in house, living everything a drama because nonflames


And it seems to me that I make..... wooo bad if yeah…
when I remain in house, living everything a drama because nonflames


Sera your fault…
I see that you are mistaken.
I am going to leave now.
Boring and single. I am average dangerous
I am going to leave now

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